
Showing posts from October, 2015

Life is...

A know-it-all before it's too late. A friend once told me I've got to know Paris before I die; other, told me I should have a threesome so I don't regret about anything when my number's up. Many suggestions I have heard, and most of them take me to do something I would really happily do. However, as far as I live, I don't care for Paris.

Amor tras amar.

- ¿Recuerdas lo mucho que me amabas antes de que me amaras? - preguntó ella posando sus manos sobre el pecho descubierto del hombre que la ha acompañado por 30 años. -No entiendo. ¿Amarte antes de amarte? - si. En algún momento de tu vida decidiste que era momento de decirme que me amabas. - si...- lo dijo alargando la última vocal esperando una conclusión. -Pues he pensado que yo hice igual pero ahora... Ahora no te amo, pero sería incapaz de pensar en otra persona- lo miró a los ojos y concluyó - el hecho de que no te ame significa que te amo aún en mayor medida. Es como un amor verdadero hacia la persona, luego de haber amado la pasión y los sueños que tenía en esa persona. El hombre la miró con ojos de entendimiento y hasta cierto punto se sentía identificado. Queriéndosela quitar de encima dijo: también me sentiría devastado sin tu amor.

Learning about learning

As far as we are from having a world in peace, that's how far we are from learning how every individual learns. I don't want to enlight anyone with all repetitive theory, which at some point seems to have the same problems religions have: all ways of seeing religion (education, and pedagogy if you will) appear to be too right and too wrong; and, though they (religion and theories of education and pedagogy) seem to complement each other, none are appreciated when together. You've got to pick sides and stick there. Education seems to be the solution, as well as pedagogy is the problem; and viceversa. Shall we ever find a perfect symbiosis in both? I truly expect so; however I still consider that war, social inequality, and educational unfulfillness will outlive anyone reading these words. Greetings from a world lover and a society hater.