
Showing posts from October, 2013

Are you a teacher or an educator?

Journal 1 - Talking about Teachers and  Educators j ournal 1, teachers and educators by Juan Felipe Naranjo Usuga is licensed  under  a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License .  According to Ruiz Amado there are three kind of "maestros". the first one is the "maestro genial", then the "maestro artesano" and "maestro artista". Both of them have their own characteristics but the one we would focus on, for the purpose of this post, is "maestro genial". Why? Because its main characteristic lies in his very natural way to teach. This master does not need to use pedagogy. He/she just needs to understand how to use the teaching resources and avoids any pedagogical matter, not because pedagogy is not important; but because of this master inborn way to teach.  This kind of master is quite near to what is said about our education in pedagogy. "We can be taught to be educators (talking ab