Prescriptive grammar (usage of language) Vs. Descriptive grammar (use of language)

Here is something basic about teaching English. It is whether teaching or not grammar. 
Yes and No. Both answers are correct depending on some context-related thoughts.

What is Prescriptive grammar?

Prescriptive grammar is the rules and patterns taught in schools, discussed on teaching newspapers and magazines are protected by linguists organizations. that is, the grammar people should use in order to speak "correctly". For example:

      Who did you see last night inside the movies?.

This sentence, seen from a Prescriptive grammar view, has two mistakes. Although they continue being understandable, there are mistakes. A way to fix this could be:

      Whom did you see last night at the movies?

Those rules which tell us that we must use whom rather than who because it is the object of "see", are the Prescriptive grammar. Its main function is to lead us on the road for a "correct" way of speaking.

Descriptive Grammar

It makes reference to the USE of language. How adults use language. It may change from context to context and it is inherent to each language.

Descriptive grammar does not say "this is right" or "this is wrong"; however, it does not mean everything is accepted. The use of language will depend on the situation. Is the speaker in a job interview or with some friends at a bar? the purpose of using language is the one to tell "right" or "wrong".

So.... which to teach?

Of course both. How ever, bear in mind the current needs of your students. 

Are they studying because they need to pass a test in which students might find grammar questions like "underline the error in these sentences"? ---- make more emphasis on prescriptive grammar

Your student will travel to Australia for two months? --------- make more emphasis on descriptive grammar


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