Let's talk about Drug abuse

Drugs certainly are part of a high-quality illegal business which reports thousands of millions of dollars to the drug cartels. Drug abusers spend (I don't want to say waste since some may be offended) their money in a moment of freedom which couldn't be reachable, according to them, by doing other activities. I'm sorry if you are a pro-drugs teacher and you may feel I'm talking your substances down but I can't hide my anger against a thing that brings nothing but sadness.

Claimed my position, I would love to discuss with you some key factors and behaviors that define drug abuse, and to find which organ contains the explanations for the former.

Any repetitive action that causes harm to a person is called either abuse or addiction. Eating for example, is a repetitive action that without causing harm cannot be labeled as an addiction since it gainfully adds to one's life span. Conceive a person who is undergoing gambling addiction; this person, by all means, will see his/her life hurt by financial and emotional distress. This brain disorder can reach higher levels for the brain adapts to the usage of drugs, thus drug consumers may be unable to stop and may increase the frequency or dosage.

As the brain adapts to this battering (which doesn't mean someday it will be safe to use drugs), other organs are affected. As written on BRADFORD HEALTH SERVICES website there are 10 major organ systems in the human body and all of them are disturbed by both alcohol and drug abuse.

The answer is in the brain. The brain controls everything in our body but it needs to be fit in order to work well. Brain is the first affected but also the first to be looked at when overcoming substance usage. I recommend you to visit some drug abuse websites and you'll see that drugs only carry more problems. Books, movies, arts, courses, writing, are better drugs. Coursera.org offers a great number of courses where they talk about this from a psychological perspective.


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