Ideas to teach adjectives!

First, go to check what I posted about adjectives when referring to grammar on how are you? a post about adjectives

Ideas for teaching or using adjectives in an EFL classroom

Our students should be able to describe or give information about things. Adjectives allow them to do so and even to say what they think about anything. We must remember that adjectives are not only for describing things we can see. Love, peace or air, are nouns we can describe easily because we know what they are and what they are related to.

When teaching adjectives we cannot lose track of our class context. Will I teach to teenagers who are labeled as advanced students or will I teach to a group of adults whose main motivation to study English is to pass the MET with a B1 level of proficiency?

Having this clear you might create your lesson plan and here is where ideas show up. I will show you some ideas for basic, intermediate and advanced students you can use. This ideas will also help you to create a good and enjoyable learning environment. 

Basic students:
Cut some pieces of paper with an adjective on it. Try to use adjectives easy to be acted in front of the class and easy to be guessed. For example: rude, fast, lazy...

Ask your students to bring something different to the classroom, like glasses, scarfs, belts, hats, makeup, anything.

Each student will pick a paper and will select someone who thinks is the perfect one to represent the adjective. the student will dress up the other student and this last will make a representation of the adjective so the others can guess which is the adjective they are talking about.

Warning: don`t use adjectives which could lead to bullying in the class!

Intermediate students:
Intermediate students will love that their works begin to be published. That is why I recommend to do something you can upload to a website or published on the school boards.

A complete adjectives-based review about a movie and its characters is always a nice idea. Imagine the students talking about "hotel Transylvania" which, by the way is a good choice because of its amount of characters. There are at least eight characters students could describe and post it on their school boards.

if you want to watch this movie go to

Tip:  as this activity requires that students get to know so well their character that they can describe it as well as possible, it is not mandatory to watch the movie in English!

Advance students:
This is an activity I did once and it was so perfect because gave us a lot of adjectives we did not know and that is what advanced students want, to learn more and more vocabulary.

We begun talking about love and then about our perfect match by asking questions like:

How should be a girl/man in order to be perfect for a man/girl? 
How are men/girls really?
How should be the perfect man for somebody like (a student from the class)?

Tip: This really works when there are a lot of gals in the class.


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